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Title21 Health Solutions Receives the Sustainability Initiative Award at Advanced Therapies Week 2023

January 23, 2023

During this year’s Advanced Therapies Week, Title21 was honored to receive the Sustainability Initiative Award for our efforts in sustainable development in the cell and gene therapy industry. Our goal is to create a paperless future for cell and gene therapy clients by integrating regulatory documents and quality management into an integrated digital system. Title21 represents a sustainable change process, rather than any one instance of sustainability. We believe in optimizing digital healthcare and cell therapy information by enabling the complete integration of regulatory documents into an online database, completely removing paper documents from circulation.

To learn more about the Advanced Therapies Awards and achievements in cell and gene therapy, including the recognition of Dr. Carl June with a Lifetime Achievement Award for his involvement in the development of CAR-T therapy, please click here to read the full article.

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