Industry Experts Examine the Promise of Industry 4.0 to Unlock Cell Therapy Access
June 10, 2024
Manual Data Entry Errors in Healthcare: A Threat to Patient Safety
June 18, 2024

Overcoming Data Fragmentation in Healthcare

June 18, 2024

Data is fundamental in ensuring clinicians do what they do best, and that has to pass from one individual to another across a huge hospital system with integrity – always keeping patient safety at its core.

The challenge lies at the intersection of paper and siloes.

Heather Purvis, Director of Clinical Operations, recounts a recent conversation with CGT industry leaders, which uncovered a massive source of pain comes from the fragmented approach of assurance of data integrity for patients served.

Their process for communication around a simple selection of products for a patient and how that information was given to all the parties involved in collection, processing and administration involved a total of SEVEN formats:

1. Emails
2. Pieces of paper
3. Stickers or sticky notes
4. Forms
5. Teams messages
6. Manual spreadsheets
7. Some information from the EMR

Like we said.



This clip comes from a discussion around improving cell therapy workflows and reducing error, you can see the on-demand webinar at here.

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