Interoperability in Healthcare: Enabling Meaningful Data Exchange between Systems
June 18, 2024
Supporting Frontline Clinicians & Lab Professionals in the Evolving Landscape of Cell and Gene Therapies
June 18, 2024

Breaking Down Silos in Cell Therapy: Integrating Hospital, Clinical, and Lab Workflows for Improved Patient Access

June 18, 2024

Understanding the relationship between the hospital space, the clinical space and the lab is an essential step in solving the workflow challenges faced by many cell therapy labs today.

Harnessing technological opportunities here will mean better, faster and safer patient access.

  1. Siloing the cell lab within the CGT enterprise (clinical, laboratory and manufacturing organizations) risks complicating the flow of data in ways that can challenge a patient first approach.
  2. The growth potential of cell and gene therapy as an institution is, in our opinion, not limited by the size of the boxes represented here, but really by the pace at which all parts of the process can speak a shared language to amplify challenges and celebrate successes.
  3. Until the software itself becomes as essential as the stethoscope or the microscope, scalability will continue to be an integrated and shared risk.

Watch the webinar on-demand here.

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